Translation of literary texts for publishing (transcreation and copywriting)
The challenge
Translation of the book “Fairytale Shoes”, the pivotal event of the Spring-Summer 2023 edition of MICAM, the Milan Footwear Fair.
MICAM MILANO, the most famous international footwear fair, decided to center the new fair around this book-event, within the publishing project “MICAM tales”, revisiting three fairy tales, keeping the spotlight on the shoes.
Imagination, creativity, and narrative verve are essential characteristics required of those who translate a literary text for publishing. The translator must fully empathize and relate with the author of the book. In this case, translating is not limited to faithfully transposing; instead the translator must become part of an original and creative project, a transcreation.
Therefore, it was our responsibility to become authors (copywriters) by creating a version that was faithful to that of the author, as well as creative and appropriate to the target language and culture.
Our Solution
A dedicated Project Manager appointed a team of literary translation specialists (transcreators), guaranteeing an outstanding editorial product.
For this project, we drew on over 40 years of experience in the translation of literary texts for publishing, including books, magazines, museum catalogs, and promotional material, mainly for publishing houses and museums.
The Outcome
Our work was greatly appreciated by our customer.
Our professionalism, reliability, passion, and speed of execution, together with the linguistic, literary, and creative expertise required in performing the valuable task entrusted to us, we have expanded our portfolio of literary translations, which further highlights our expertise in this area.
Comment from the client:
“La traduzione di Interlinguae è stata apprezzata e definita di livello molto alto anche dal nostro cliente dell’Istituto di Tecnologie Digitali per la Comunicazione dell’Università della Svizzera Italiana.”
“Our client from the Institute of Digital Technologies for Communication at the Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) also appreciated and spoke very highly of the translations done by Interlinguae.”